Gusto Italian, the collection of 14 casual dining Italian restaurants situated across the UK, continued its tradition of adding a voluntary £1 to every guest’s bill from 1st December – 31st January, raising an immense total of £44,176, with 100% of the proceeds being donated to Young Lives vs Cancer, through the support of the Tim Bacon Foundation (TBF).
£44,176 could pay for 155 children and young people with cancer and their families to stay in one of the charity’s Homes from Homes for a week each. The Homes from Homes provide free, comfortable self-catering accommodation near specialist treatment centres, which are often many miles from a family’s own home. As well as this, the money could fund 66 Young Lives vs Cancer Big Bags, which are full of essential items for a hospital stay such as toiletries, a teddy, a thermal mug, information booklets, and more.
In addition, this would allow the charity to provide 15 financial grants to children and young people affected by cancer and their families to help with the hidden and sudden extra costs that a cancer diagnosis brings.
The Tim Bacon Foundation’s aim is to support charities that help people to live well with cancer. In 2022, Young Lives vs Cancer was selected as Gusto Italian’s first Charity of the Year by employee Jade Costello, who was a wonderful friend and valued member of the Gusto Italian family. Jade sadly died of cancer in June 2022. During her treatment, she met many people who were supported by Young Lives vs Cancer, and in her honour, Gusto Italian continues to support this brilliant cause.
“This is going to make such a huge difference to so many young cancer patients and their families, so thank you to Gusto Italian and their guests so very much on behalf of them all. Our Homes from Homes offer more than a place to crash. It’s a good night’s rest instead of a hospital chair. It’s a home-cooked meal. It’s freshly washed clothes and pyjamas that have that familiar smell. It’s normality and comfort when life feels upside-down. Our Big Bags and financial grants offer further support to alleviate some stress so that they can focus on treatment.”
Alex O’Connell, Strategics Partnerships Lead at Young Lives vs Cancer
More information can be found at