Stephanie Aird, hailing from Hartlepool, is a talented comedian whose comedic videos have garnered an impressive 60 million views across various social media platforms.

With an impressive following of over 650,000 fans on Facebook, Aird’s comedic prowess has reached audiences far and wide, attracting fans from all corners of the globe.

Aird lived a relatively normal life as a full-time teacher in her hometown of Hartlepool. In 2014 she was bored during the school holidays and decided to post some light-hearted comedy videos on her Facebook page. 

After gaining success online, Stephanie then left teaching to pursue music and comedy full-time.  

“I cannot wait to perform back in Newcastle, I always enjoy playing the Labour Club, the crowds are fantastic and I can’t wait to see everyone there.”

“My best point is when I come out on a wrecking ball, as Miley Cyrus, with just tights and tape. “And I’ll tell you now my darling, it’s not a pretty sight!”

“There’s so many elements to  the show.”

“I’ve had to cut it down! I once did four hours, now I’ve cut it down to about two hours.  “The first half, I do your stand-up, interaction with the audience and fun and games.”

“I then do a load of tribute acts where I keep getting changed. I do Amy Winehouse, I do Lady Gaga… I mean, I can sing, but I’m also doing it in a comedy way.”

Stephanie explains that the show is known to be titled as “Rude, crude and shocking. Expect the unexpected!”. 


Stephanie will play Newcastle on other dates including Carlisle, Sheffield, and Blackpool.  

Newcastle Labour Club 7th October 2023

Tickets: available now

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