Northern has curated the ultimate playlist for your commute, a tribute to one of their most beloved destinations: Newcastle.
The track listing pays tribute to the city’s diverse music scene featuring singer-songwriter Sam Fender as well as indie rockers Maximo Park.
The playlist is 25 minutes long – the length that the average Northern customer spends each way on their daily commute.
“For many people, the commute is the only time of day they truly get to themselves.
“The majority of people that commute with us travel 25 minutes in each direction, that’s 50 minutes a day they could spend listening to music.
Mark Powles, commercial and customer director at Northern
“Musical enjoyment aside, people that take the train to work also save an average of 48 minutes per day compared to making the same journey by car.
“Everyone can compare the cost, travel time and CO₂e impact of their journey against the equivalent trip by road on the Savings Calculator on our website.”
Powles added
Northern recommends the following playlist for commuters to and from Newcastle:
- Will We Talk – Sam Fender
- Englishman in New York – Sting
- Apply Some Pressure – Maximo Park
- High – Lighthouse Family
- House of the Rising Sun – The Animals
- I Wanna Go Where the People Go – The Wildhearts
Northern is the second largest train operator in the UK, with 2,500 services a day to more than 500 stations across the North of England.
On Sunday 10 December, rail timetables across the North of England will change in line with the rest of the National Rail network. Customers are encouraged to use the ‘Check My Timetable’ feature on the Northern website for more information about their local station.