Caring children at a primary school in Denton have raised more than £1,500 to help premature and sick newborn babies and their families in the North East.
Pupils at St Bede’s Catholic Primary School took part in a sponsored ‘Take on 10 for Prem’ fundraising event in support of Tiny Lives, which saw them complete ten-minute work-outs in aid of the charity.
“During the day of the event, Louise Caroll, who works for the charity, came into school to deliver some workshops to the children to tell them about the life-saving work that the charity does,” explained St Bede’s Headteacher, Leigh-Anne Young.
“Each class then participated in a 10-minute work-out challenge via a Tiny Lives Trust link – and had a lot of fun in the process.”
Children from all year groups at the school were involved in the event, helping to raise an impressive £1,557 for Tiny Lives, which was presented to the charity at a special assembly.
“The Tiny Lives Trust works to support premature and sick newborn babies and their families in the North East and North Cumbria to give them the best possible chance to thrive,” continued Mrs Young.
“The charity is close to some of the families’ hearts, as we have a few families who have directly benefited from their amazing work – both staff and parents.
“The monies will be used to continue the great work of the Trust in supporting North East and North Cumbrian premature and sick newborn babies and their families.”
St Bede’s is a member of the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust, and no stranger to fundraising.
“As a school community, we always love to put our faith in action and support local charities,” added Mrs Young.
“As always, our parents and carers were very generous in helping to raise over £1,550 – money that will go to help more babies and families in the North East.”