More and more people are questioning events around the Coronavirus narrative and the restrictions that have been enforced on our society. We need to talk honestly and respectfully about these issues.

The #ExposeBillGates Global Day of Action on Saturday, June 13th is “A non-partisan coalition of alternative media organizations and activist groups calling for a Global Day of Action to #ExposeBillGates and his control agenda.”

The project is being promoted by a wide spectrum of organisations who would usually have little or nothing to do with each other, such as the New Age Conscious Resistance Movement, the independent media group We Are Change, and the Catholic Truth organisation.

This follows from the two-hour documentary by James Corbett, below, and the growing criticism of mainstream media outlets, such as the BBC, receiving millions of pounds in “charitable donations” from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Zed Phoenix from the Campaign on The Richie Allen Show

This is a serious topic, so satirical cartoons always help relieve the tension.

Bill Gates Denies Accusations, Labelling Them “Crazy Rumours”

As always, be respectful to each other. No one is an island: without other people to sincerely discuss and compassionately debate our ideas with, we all struggle to think straight.

If you have no one to talk to, why not try calling Chit Chat Britain?


All the opinions expressed in the content above belong to the producers.

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